Sleep Breathing Disorders

About Dr. Ariana
Dr. Ebrahimian (DDS) is a respected practitioner, speaker, and educator in the field of functional dentistry. She maintains a private practice in Scotts Valley, CA—Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry—where she takes an integrative root-cause approach to treating orthodontic problems, sleep-disordered breathing, temporomandibular joint disorder, tethered oral tissues, and chronic oral systemic inflammation.
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Free Assessments
Assessment tools can be used to help detect disordered sleep breathing for self or loved ones.
The STOP-BANG questionnaire is a scoring model consisting of eight easily administered questions starting with the acronym STOP-BANG and is scored based on Yes/No answers.
Untreated OSA can result contribute to obesity, cardiovascular disease, increased risk of stroke & heart attack, depression, and a host of other medical conditions. Dr. Ariana is a member of the Academy of Airway and Gnathologic Orthopedics and works closely with sleep physicians to spreads awareness through presentations about the relationship between orofacial development and sleep-breathing disorders. She also ensures your sleep and breathing disorder is treated correctly and effectively while practicing in the clinic.