Oral Systemic Health

About Dr. Ariana
Dr. Ebrahimian (DDS) is a respected practitioner, speaker, and educator in the field of functional dentistry. She maintains a private practice in Scotts Valley, CA—Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry—where she takes an integrative root-cause approach to treating orthodontic problems, sleep-disordered breathing, temporomandibular joint disorder, tethered oral tissues, and chronic oral systemic inflammation.

Free Systemic Diseases Resource
A comprehensive easy-to-follow spotlight of systemic diseases that are associated with specific high-risk oral bacteria.
The oral microbiome is a vast ecosystem of hundreds of different bacterial species, some helpful and some harmful. Bacteria that cause inflammation in the mouth, whether it be in the form of bleeding gums or cavities, can cause inflammation throughout the body and contribute to chronic disease.
Achieve whole body health, beginning with the mouth.